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thuousaNow, let’s start with the fact that I was ANTI this dressing for the first 35 years of my life. My grandmother ate it on cottage cheese. My mother ate it on ever salad ever. I refused to even try it. But, then, one day, my mom had eye surgery and I made it for her. And I tried it. And I loved it.

http://www.pinterest.com/pin/319333429800533204/ is the link to the pin

The only thing I changed: I used sour cream instead of mayo…and I added some milk to make it more salad dressing like (It was very thick!)

Leftover Status: this made a lot…enough for 20 salads!
sour cream $1
chili sauce $.50
olives $.25
relish $.25
onion $.25
green onion $.25
milk $.10
Total: $2.60